Holly Brooks Straight Razor, Ivory Handle, Made in Germany, with Box.
Holly Brooks Straight Razor, Ivory Handle, Made In Germany, Comes with Box.
While I don’t doubt that there may be a misuse of the term by some unscrupulous makers, when it comes to straight razors, by German law, for the razor to be marked “Made in Germany” the blank used to make the razor, must be forged in Germany. Further, by the law of the City of Solingen, for the straight razor to be marked with that city’s name, the blank must be forged in Solingen. In addition, a minimum of 85% of the production steps that are involved in the manufacture of a product must take place in Solingen, before that product may be marked “Made in Solingen”. So, perhaps you can understand why “Made in Solingen” means so much to the people of that city.
Item Code - STR7C327PVC
Length: [Retracted] 6 1/8" [Extended] 9 1/2" Width: 1" Depth: 3/8" Weight: 47 g