A Little Lesson About Antique Style Engagement Rings.

Before you go out and jump on the bandwagon and buy a new modern engagement ring, you should take some time to get to know about antique style engagement rings.


There has been a melodramatic shift in the way that people buy engagement rings these days. This article will tell you about the increasing popularity of the antique style engagement ring.

The antique style engagement ring is very reminiscent of the historical period that dates back from the Victorian to the Edwardian eras. It has come down through the Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Retro and the Contemporary periods to the present day. The most popular type of antique style engagement ring comes from the Art Deco period that came between the 1920s and 1930s. The filigree and diamond antique style engagement rings add true magnificence as well as laciness to the finger. The most expensive type of antique style engagement ring from this time period consisted of diamonds in a platinum setting. Platinum looks very much like white gold and it lasts much longer than gold. You may even notice that some rings from this time period have diamonds that are combined with rubies. Pearls, sapphires, and emeralds were used as accents to the diamond or they were used to replace the diamonds. If you ever happen to see a pink diamond antique style engagement ring, know that you have truly seen quite a unique ring due to its colour. The pink diamond can come in various shades of pink all the way from light to dark and the colours are usually very consistent. The clarity of the pink diamond is an excellent match for this type of ring because it will be flawless. This type of impressive ring can add a nuptial bouquet experience to someone's finger.

Just about any type of antique style engagement ring can be made to hold any type of centre stone. These types of rings have the makings of uniqueness because of their classical touch. These kinds of antique style engagement rings are much cheaper than the modern engagement rings because of the kind of metals that are used in them. Sometimes these types of engagement rings are called vintage antique style engagement rings by many jewellers.


If you happen to be looking for a new engagement ring but you greatly admire the antique look, then you can choose a ring from the collection of antique style engagement rings. These kinds of rings are magical; they create an incomparable statement and are a great deal less in price than generic ones.

If you are geared towards class and uniqueness, then get an antique style engagement ring. This will indeed set you apart from everyone else.

By Andrea Taylor


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