Collecting Signed Memorabilia.

To Share an Interesting Collection of Autographed Memorabilia with Family and Friends can be an Entertaining and Fun Experience.


Collecting signed memorabilia can appeal to all ages and collections can range include people from all throughout history up to present-day celebrities. However, if you have not yet started your collection, but are perhaps deciding your first steps, then one of the first things you must consider is which autographs capture your interest?

Extensive research is not necessary; just an idea of your personal choices is enough. Remember that in most cases, you will only be able to enjoy it as a hobby if you are genuinely interested in it. There is a large and generally very involved autograph collecting community and they will always be prepared to help you and give you some valuable tips, especially if you are a keen beginner. Some research on the Internet will put you in touch with the various collector clubs and societies.

Online communications with fellow collectors can provide you with much information and may help prevent you from making some costly errors. It could also save you a lot of time and effort. By example, they would advise you that Tiger Wood does not sign golf balls; so already you know it is not worth looking for one of those! Another aspect of this is that if you intend buying one for your collection, it will be well worth looking at the source very closely.

Talking to other collectors will also provide you knowledge about which items are currently at the top of most collectors wish lists and an insight into which items are likely to be most sort-after in the future. Communicating with fellow collectors can also help you get to grips with the relative cost of articles. Unfortunately, many people in this large market try to take advantage of unwary newbie collectors. Knowledge about collecting signed memorabilia could be your greatest weapon against fraud in this competitive industry.

Signed memorabilia can come in a number of different forms. Most things can be considered memorabilia from menus to footballs and anything else that is possible to autograph. Popular sources of autographs are correspondence and it is a bonus to find items that are signed and contain historical information. Other commonly signed collectors' items include cheques, contracts, any form of book or magazine, manuscripts and photographs. The list can be almost endless.

Should you intend buying signed memorabilia solely for your personal use, collectible resale values will not be of too much concern to you. However, you should not allow a seller to take advantage of you by inflating the price of an item. However, you should also be wary not to offer a price that is in excess of the generally accepted value. Do not allow any emotional attachment to an item cloud your business judgment.

The collection of signed memorabilia, should, as a rule, come directly from recognised and established sources. As you gain experience and increase your knowledge, you will become more aware of how things work and establish yourself as a part of the collectors' world.

By Lydia Cooper


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