Ancient Egyptian Collection Of Ushabti Figurines From An Egyptian Tomb - Roadshow Collectibles

Ancient Egyptian Collection Of Ushabti Figurines From An Egyptian Tomb

  • $220.00

Ancient Egyptian Collection Of Ushabti Figurines, From An Egyptian Tomb. 


Egyptian faience is a sintered-quartz ceramic displaying surface vitrification which creates a bright lustre of various colours, with blue-green being the most common. Defined as a “material made from powdered quartz covered with a true vitreous coating, usually in a transparent blue or green isotropic glass," faience is distinct from the partly crystalline compound Egyptian blue. 

The ushabti was a funerary figurine used in Ancient Egypt. Ushabtis were placed in tombs among the grave goods and were intended to act as servants or minions of the deceased.

The practice of using Ushabtis originated in the Old Kingdom (c. 2600 to 2100 BCE)

Item Code - CER2D532WAR

Width: 1/2"  Length: 1 3/4"  Depth: 1/2"  Weight: 21 g

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