Tips For Collecting Hobnail Glass Pitchers.

Of all the Types of Vintage Glass Available on the Market, one of the Most Sought-After and Collectible is Hobnail Glass.


It's really no wonder, either, given that it has such a unique and interesting texture. This glass, which came out in the 1930s, is covered with bumps that give it a look all its own.

If you are looking for a fun collection to start, you may want to consider focusing in on hobnail glass pitchers. For one thing, hobnail glass itself comes in so many different colours, opacities and styles that it can be a lot of fun finding new pieces for your collection.


Green Hobnail Glass Pitcher - Roadshow CollectiblesPurple Hobnail Glass Pitcher - Roadshow CollectiblesClear Hobnail Glass Pitcher - Roadshow CollectiblesBlue Hobnail Glass Pitcher - Roadshow Collectibles

                     Rubie Red Hobnail Glass Pitcher - Roadshow CollectiblesWhite Hobnail Glass Pitcher - Roadshow Collectibles


Secondly, of all the glass items you could collect pitchers are one of the most interesting because they come in such a huge range of shapes, sizes and styles. Combining the two into a hobnail glass pitcher collection can be an exciting and rewarding hobby.


Here Are Some Tips for Getting Started on your Collection.

1. Decide on a Theme for your Collection. 

Do you want to keep it broad and just collect any hobnail glass pitcher regardless of shape, size or colour? Or do you want to narrow in and make it more tightly focused? For instance, you may want to only collect white milk glass hobnail pitchers. Focusing your collection on colour or style is a great way to become an expert on one particular style. Typically tightly focused collections tend to look great on display as well since the pieces all compliment each other. Either way, having a game plan for what you want your final collection to look like will help you stay on track while you are shopping and keep from getting overrun by a collection that accidentally grew too big.


2. Do Some Research. 

Head to your local library and find a few books on collecting glass. These books should have photographs and descriptions of the various types of hobnail pitchers that have been made throughout the past century. Educating yourself before you start shopping will help you spot valuable pieces and keep you from getting tricked into buying fakes.


3. Start Shopping! 

Hit your local garage sales, thrift stores, flea markets, antique shops and anywhere else you can think of to find hobnail glass pitchers. Most of the fun of having a collection is in the hunt, so enjoy yourself and have a blast tracking down new pieces to add to your collection.

By Sarah Callen


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