Tips For Collecting Model Cars.

Collecting Model Cars is a Hobby with Most Children and Quite a Few Adults as Well.


Serious collectors even buy and sell model cars. Collecting model cars started off as a male-centric hobby but today women are just as attracted to this unique pastime.


Before you Seriously get Down to the Business of Collecting these Model of Cars, you Need to Decide on the Scale that you are Going to Specialize In.

Model cars come in varying scales such as 1:8; 1:18; 1:24; 1:43 and 1:87. The most popular scale among collectors is the 1:43. This is also known as the collector's scale. In this range, you get diecast models as well as kits that can be assembled. You can collect a particular brand of model cars or a particular type such as racing cars. Many collectors specialize in collecting vintage cars. Of these, the most popular is the Rolls Royce and Bugatti models.




Most collectors are extremely cooperative and help each other in acquiring models.

Collecting such cars as a hobby caught on around the 1950s with companies like AMT, Jo-Han and Revell starting to manufacture model car kits. The earliest models of cars were wooden. Later on, manufacturers started using plastic to make them. The World War II military model of cars came in the form of tanks, caterpillar tracks and revolving turrets.

Present-day models have intricate details built into them. They even come with alloy bodies, chrome trims, engine wiring, rubber tyres and billeted parts made of aluminium. Most kits are as detailed as real cars. Nowadays, they have figurines of passengers and drivers.


Die-Cast Models Fetch the Highest Prices.

Of these, the NASCAR diecast models are among the most popular with collectors.

When you start off your collection, try and stick to those models that you would really like to have as part of your collection. If you plan to make a profit out of collecting model cars, collect a wide range of models. You never know when a particular model might become highly valued.

By Gabriel Stiller

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